Gael F

20 mars 2013 à 0h00 par La rédaction

DJ R�sident TOULOUSE FM le samedi soir de 01h � 02h dans Club??in Toulouse.

Berc� depuis toujours par la musique et ce qu??elle procure Gael.F a tr�s vite su qu??il finirait DJ professionnel.

C??est � 13 ans qu??il touche sa premi�re platine et � 15 ans qu??il commence � la Makina Toulouse en tant qu??�l�ve de Jean Michel Rossi (double champion de France et micro d??or). Il a ainsi mix� avec les plus grands tels que Carl Cox ou Robert Miles et s??est rapidement fait un nom gr�ce � sa technique et sa fougue, parfois incontr�lable, malgr� son jeune age.

Pr�t � voler de ses propres ailes il a ensuite pos� ses mains sur la plupart des platines toulousaines dont le complexe le KL ou la ma�trise a alors attir� l????il de Jay Style qui va encore le perfectionner.

Attir� par l??euphorie de la foule et la puissance son & lumi�re des grands complexes, il a ainsi mix� � l??Hyper, plus grand complexe de Charentes Maritimes, ainsi qu??au Vegas, un des plus grands d??Europe.

Pari r�ussi au de del� de toute esp�rance puisqu??il a r�ussi � faire aimer les sons �lectroniques � toute la r�gion Midi Pyr�n�es.

Il a alors transform� une simple salle d??un complexe en univers son & lumi�re hors du commun : l??Arena, une des r�f�rences en France en mati�re de sons �lectroniques depuis 2001.

Par ailleurs, poss�dant une culture musicale rare, il a aussi anim� les plus grosses soir�es �tudiantes toulousaines dans une tonalit� plus g�n�raliste ainsi que fait la premi�re partie de nombreux artistes tels que David Vendetta, Dj Abdel, Magic System, Lord Kossity ??

Loin d??avoir tout donn�, nouveau d�part, nouveau d�fi en 2008 : l??Arena � l??Amazone, 10 ans apr�s y avoir mix� en 1998 ?? signe du destin ou non Gael.F avec sa technique et sa capacit� � transporter la foule dans son univers est bien d�cid� � recr�er une institution aux couleurs des tendances actuelles avec des sons venus de toute l??Europe !

Septembre 2012 , il rejoint naturellement le team des DJ??s R�sidents de Club??in Toulouse pour faire connaitre son style � un plus large public ??

Drawn into various musical influences since childhood, Gael. F quickly knew that his fate was to become a DJ.

At the age of 13, he touches his first turntables and at 15 he really begins his young career at the Makina Toulouse, under the supervision of Jean Michel Rossi (winner of two edition of the French championship DJ contest and golden mic). Thanks to him, he met and worked with some of the most famous DJ, as Carl Cox or Robert Miles, despite of his young age.

Ready to be known by his own name, he started working in some of the most reputed clubs in Toulouse where his technique and his energy, sometimes out of control, contribute to give him a name. The first one was the ??KL?? nightclub (about 2000 clubbers by night) where he was singled out by the radio DJ number one in France Jay Style, which continues his training and gives him advices to improve his skills.

Attracted by the euphoria of the big crowds and the huge potential of sound and lights of the big night complexes, he follows by working at the ??Hyper??, one of the biggest clubs of the French east coast, and at the ??Vegas??, one of the biggest in Europe.

But it??s really in 2001 that really began his professional upward, when he is hired at the ??Aposia??, the biggest night complex in Europe, 12 rooms with different musical atmospheres and a capacity of 10.000 people, which was a bit in trouble at this time. The Challenge was to boost the techno room (called ??l??Arena??) to impulse a renewal to the club and initiate a changing to the perception of the complex.

The task was not easy but he took up the bet beyond everyone expectations and succeeded in making ??l??Arena?? the reference in electronic sounds in France. It was for Ga�l.F the outcome of 6 years of amazing work but in 2007, by a stroke of bad luck, a fire destroyed the complex and ruined all he has built in these 6 years.

Far from being shattered, he decided to take up a new challenge : bring over ??l??Arena?? into a new place, a smallest structure (??l??Amazone??), 10 years after having worked there ?? and he did it ! Thanks to his background, his technique and his capacity to stir up the crowd, the new ??Arena?? is becoming a reference in the south of France for all clubbers who want to party on the best sounds brought from all Europe !